When it comes to financial planning and wealth management, Nate Dunham believes in trusting the process.

“Investing is not always going to be sunshine and roses,” he says, reflecting on the fluctuating nature of the stock market and the state of the world. “There’s going to be bad days. But if I’ve done my job correctly, your job is to trust the process.”

As the Vice President of CORE, Dunham understands the anxious feelings that some people experience when investing, and so he makes a point to reassure clients that they’re well taken care of. To help establish trust, he likes to get to know them on a personal level. In fact, he’s proud to call most of his clients friends.

“Being in this business, you see things change over time,” he says. “I’ve learned and observed what people have done right and wrong. You’ve got to find that balance of living and enjoying today, but also planning for tomorrow.”

Dunham has successfully struck that balance in his own life. He and his family built a home on two acres so that his wife and daughter’s horses could live on the property.

“I love watching my kids live out their dreams, while saving at the same time,” he says.

Personally, he dreams of perfecting the culinary art of barbecue.

Dunham’s passion first took root when a neighbor smelled his cooking and came to investigate. Fast forward to today, and his entire neighborhood is engaged in an amateur barbecue competition.

In his experience, barbecuing—not unlike investing—involves a lot of trial and error. The key? High quality meat, says Dunham.

“I’m not in it for the competition, but for the memories and good friends,” he laughs. “I’ve got a partner who’s really into winning. I’m the guy who makes sure everyone is having a good time.”