Derek Stross’ favorite quote is “Begin with the end in mind” for a reason. As the Director of Tax Strategy at CORE and over 22 years of experience in public accounting, he knows how important it is to help clients save on taxes while also building wealth for the future.

As a kid, he studied the rules of board games so he could gain an advantage while playing – now he’s transferred that same “technique” over into studying tax law to help clients have an advantage at saving tax and building wealth.

Derek enjoys being a part of the client financial planning process, while also observing how the tax planning segment for a client integrates into their larger wealth management goals.

With decades of experience, Derek has found the values that drive him include integrity, honesty and the well-being of others. “What we believe filters down and inspires who we are and what we do,” says Derek.

He finds working with clients in this intersection of tax planning, wealth management and financial planning very rewarding.

Outside of work, he loves spending time with his wonderful wife and three lovely children.

You can also often find him seeking out new ways of exploring and learning about life whether that be reading, watching the Seminoles play or coaching high school soccer.

His love for sports has been a driving force behind many valuable life lessons he’s learned like how to handle success and failure.

These lessons are then reflected in his work as it’s given him additional years of experience with practice on how to handle adversity and work with a team.